Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Tyrant to take down

The White House has gone from interfering with the media to censoring it.  In a move to stop the truth from getting out the White House has put a new rule into place.  It states that no one can be within 65 feet of any oil containment boom or cleanup effort.  The clinton news network reported this,
"CNN's Anderson Cooper reported that evening, "The Coast Guard today announced new rules keeping photographers and reporters and anyone else from coming within 65 feet of any response vessel or booms out on the water or on beaches -- 65 feet." "
  Read more:
This was announced by a person who is under an oath to "protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign or DOMESTIC.  This is an unlawful order, and no officer or oath taker should follow it.

There is more here.    

This is a violation of the First Amendment.  What one will this administration break next.

This from a WH briefing
"Q For Admiral Allen, can you talk about this new 20-meter safety zone, and if that was done at BP’s request, or what the reason is to do this at this stage in the crisis?

ADMIRAL ALLEN: Can you be more specific?

Q The safety zone for vessels around plumes and other oil response.

ADMIRAL ALLEN: Oh. It’s not unusual at all for the Coast Guard to establish either safety or security zones around any number of facilities or activities for public safety and for the safety of the equipment itself. We would do this for marine events, fireworks demonstrations, cruise ships going in and out of port.

Q Right, but we’re so far into this disaster now, why do it now and why the new --

ADMIRAL ALLEN: I actually had some personal complaints from some county commissioners in Florida and some other local mayors that thought that there was a chance that somebody would get hurt or they would have a problem with the boom itself -- had not presented itself before, but once presented with it, the logical thing to do.

Q So it wasn’t a BP request?

ADMIRAL ALLEN: Not at all."

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