Monday, July 12, 2010

Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Just sent this to Jeanne Shaheen  a senator from NH.  If they want to actually do some good, they should require all donors to be made public and no one seeking a Federal elected position can spend more than they will make in office.  The second thing that needs to be done is that campaign funds can not be converted to personal use, ie library, gift, or anything that would have their name attached or could benefit them.

Greetings Senator.

I am writing today to express my displeasure at seeing that you would go against the Supreme Court and sponsor S.3295 Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act.
This bill is a bad attempt at reinstating the Mcaine-Finegold law that limited contributions and restricted free speech.  Please rethink your sponsorship for this bill and do not vote for it.  I will be watching and posting what happens.  Do not violate the First Amendment (that you took an oath to uphold) by allowing this bill to become law.

Douglas Lyman
26 Memorial Drive
Troy, NH 03465

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